How to uninstall symantec enterprise vault 11
How to uninstall symantec enterprise vault 11

how to uninstall symantec enterprise vault 11

That is just the surface of what is going on which is why its so difficult to provide a Granular restore.


When deleting an Archive it isnt just the single physical item which is deleted from Storage which can be restored, it is all the SQL references that point to it, the Archive entry, the permissions applied to that Archive entry, all SisParts and SisPart references that are updated/removed/altered in SQL, then if the deletion of one of those SisParts or Savesets takes a CAB file below the threshold for a recollection you then have the alterations in the DB for that Collection file and the hundreds of items within that collection file which are altered. Then it goes and gets the item from Storage. So when recalling a single item EV doesnt go to an Archive, it goes to that item, then finds out which Archive (logical container) it belows too. Browse to Library > Application Support and drag the Symantec Enterprise Vault folder to the Trash.

how to uninstall symantec enterprise vault 11

When you are talking about deleting an Archive from EV, the Archive is simply a logical container which all the relevant Saveset entries point to in the SQL DBs. Go into the Preferences Manager, right click (or Command-Click on a single button mouse) and select Remove.

how to uninstall symantec enterprise vault 11

The problem is that it isnt just an object which is deleted and needs to be restored. Go to Macintosh HD -> Library -> Application Support -> Symantec Enterprise Vault Double click on UnInstaller.

How to uninstall symantec enterprise vault 11